Chris Bell

Chris Bell

Prevent Losses

Theft from shops is a growing problem - globally, losses are over $100Bn and the number is increasing year on year. In the UK, the police estimate that there are around 7 million shop theft incidents per year. Comparable statistics put the number in the US at around 200 million.

Reduce Stockouts

According to ECR Europe, on-shelf availability is extremely important to customers, but despite all of the investment in supply chain and stock management systems, new measuring and monitoring protocols, and even AI assisted inventory predictions, stockouts remain stubbornly persistent.

2021 Q3 Loss Report

2021 has been a tough year for retailers, and now a trend towards greater losses from stores is threatening to compound the global stresses that have caused supply chain issues and staffing shortages.

Retail’s Knowledge Gap

According to data shared with us by the UK’s National Business Crime Centre (NBCC) [], there are over 7 million incidents of shop theft each year. Of these, only